Heidi Woodbury BS’89 is the U’s newest VP on the block. Here are some of her favorite books.
Bookshelf: Vice Presidential Reads
Bookshelf: Examining Complicity
If you see something bad happening, should you be held accountable if you don’t try to stop it?
What’s Coach Kyle Whittingham reading?
Book picks from the business school dean to add to your summer reading list
Don’t miss these book recommendations from this philosophical mind.
Curious what a sociologist reads for fun?
Curious what a physicist reads for fun?
Curious what a physicist reads for fun?
The Art of Play
For U professor Alf Seegert, storytelling takes many forms.
'Love Matters, Too'
Debra Monroe’s memoir tackles motherhood, race, and small-town Texas. ~In 1992, Debra Monroe PhD’90, a writer and English professor, landed in Wimberley, Texas, just as her second marriage was disintegrating. As a single, educated woman in a one-horse town (Wimberley then had a population of around 2,400), she was already a bit of an anomaly. Then […]
Meet Virginia: Biography of a Breast
A powerful new pictorial book aims to educate the public about breast cancer surgery. When recently diagnosed cancer patients tell surgeon Leigh Neumayer, M.D., that they need something to calm them down, she replies matter-of-factly, “I’m going to give you information that will calm you down.” A tireless advocate for patient education, Neumayer says to […]
A "Teacher who Writes"
English Professor François Camoin prepares for the conclusion of the teaching part of his decadeslong vocation. François Camoin, an institution in the University of Utah’s English Department and the founder of its prestigious MFA program in creative writing, is preparing to retire. After more than 30 years at the U, he will exit the classroom […]
Lost Innocence
Writer Les Standiford recalls the terrible tale that riveted the nation and changed American childhood forever. “As the ancients understood, truth has its implacable force.” —Les Standiford On Dec. 16, 2008, dozens of news organizations from around the country descended on Hollywood, Fla., to hear the city’s police chief announce that one of the most […]
Torn Asunder
Author Zoe Murdock chronicles a journey back in time leading to self-discovery. ~ Zoe Murdock (aka Susan Sudbury Murdock) BS’81 published her debut novel Torn by God: A Family’s Struggle with Polygamy in January 2009. Inspired by true events, Torn by God is a drama that unfolds in a small town in Utah in the […]