The University is unifying and expanding its endeavors to bring international experiences to all students.
Cover Story
Global U
Of Multitasking and Medicine
As the University of Utah’s health care chief, Vivian S. Lee relishes balancing her many roles.
Armed with Knowledge
A wave of veterans is bringing strengths and needs to the U campus.
Energy Efficiency
In recent years, the University of Utah has made itself a hub for energy innovation and a model for cost-saving efficiency measures. With the creation of its revolving loan fund in 2008, the U’s Energy Office can now perpetually finance long-term energy efficiency projects using the savings earned from existing energy-optimizing projects. One milestone came […]
Campus Gardens
Just east of the Simmons Pioneer Memorial Theatre, 4,000 square feet of raised-bed garden boxes cradle sprouting vegetables that bask in this sun-filled outdoor classroom. Vines of pole beans grow overhead to form playful tunnels next to towering stalks of red amaranth. Nearby, student volunteers use pitchforks to turn piles of composting leaves and cafeteria […]