
Friendships Renewed

I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for publishing my brief bio on page 44 [Through the Years] of the Summer edition of Continuum magazine.

As a result, many of my former U of Utah classmates contacted me via Facebook, e-mail and phone. It was a pleasant surprise to communicate with my old undergraduate friends.

H. Mark McGibbon BS’86, Ph.D., D.B.A.
Waldorf, Md. 


Once again, the U takes any opportunity to run down the LDS Church. In the Fall 2011 letters, Michael Barrett doesn’t miss his chance to use a 100-year-old quote from a former LDS leader to disparage the church. Does he hear any speech like this today, in General Conference, in the church’s magazines, or elsewhere from LDS leaders? No.

Continuum can do better than parrot anti-LDS views. The original article that was referenced made good arguments without singling out any particular faith or sect.

Easton Jackson BS’97 MD’01
Draper, Utah

Memory Lane

I do not know how many accolades you hear of the faculty of the period 1955 to 1962, but I have a few favorites that come to mind.

I was fortunate in my undergraduate years to have classes from [U of U professors] Francis Wormuth, Waldemar Read, Jack Garlington, Lawrence Nabers, and Ernst Randa. Some of the courses were to fulfill undergraduate requirements, and others filled some standards in my major and minor fields. I only took one geography class to complete the general education coursework, and that was from a truly gifted instructor, G. Bowman Hawks.

[I found the] course requirements in liberal arts truly commendable. I enjoyed the elementary philosophy course from Professor Read and the sophomore English comparative literature course from Jack Garlington. Both courses opened my shuttered eyes, and I look back with considerable appreciation for the exposure to Franz Kafka in Professor Garlington’s course and the issues in democracy raised in Professor Read’s philosophy course.

Dr. Wormuth’s constitutional law courses, along with social philosophy and political theory courses, were intellectually challenging and exemplary. I had to work hard to achieve understanding. I was equally moved by Lawrence Nabers’ history of economic doctrines and will always remember their impact on my intellectual comfort, as well. Ernest Randa’s economic history started out with the primeval slime and was brought to the present.

These professors held the standard of excellence for me as I tried to follow their examples as I learned to teach, as well.

J. Kaye Faulkner BS’57 PhD’65
Bellingham, Wash.

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