Feedback Readers chime in to discuss articles from past issues.

Facing the Teacher Shortage

(article) I received an absolutely first-class teacher education at the University of Utah and taught for 32 years, two in Utah. I am currently a millionaire who has traveled the world in retirement, thanks to good pay, benefits, and investments that became possible for one reason alone: I taught the other 30 years in California.

Doug Pursley BA’74
Monrovia, Calif.

[In about 1977], my sister who had a master’s degree and many years more experience as a teacher in Utah was making barely any more than I was as a new teacher in Miami-Dade, AND she did not have the health benefits we enjoyed. I knew I would never return, especially since I was a single parent. And as an incentive for Florida teachers, if we receive the superior rating and [help students] achieve a high SAT or ACT score, we are eligible for a bonus of up to $10,000. This is something Utah might consider.

Tanya Cummins BA’76
Chuluota, Fla.

As a graduate of Utah public schools and the U, I was the grateful recipient of a valuable public education and have high regard for those teachers/ educators who were passionately dedicated to giving me their best! In Utah back in the early ’80s, I didn’t realize how low the pay was for teachers (and nurses) until moving to Oregon in 1984. … So that they remain dedicated, passionate, and in their jobs long term, the PUBLIC and your LEGISLATURE need to care for these valuable assets in the community. What great teachers provide is VALUE beyond measure to every one of us. It’s valid the support the U is outlining in this article, but let us not be led astray: being fairly compensated is NOT beyond what a dedicated, educated, and experienced teacher should ask for!

Susan (Hayes) Gervasi BS’79
Clackamas, Ore.

Farewell to OSH

(article) Alas I lament… Freezing cold summer classrooms or the very smelly, nasty bathrooms… the days so long and office space so wrong… I shall miss you, Orson Spencer Hall, despite your odd half-bathroom stalls.

Jason Knight MPA’15
West Jordan, Utah

I want one of the bricks! OSH was the birthplace of my intellectual life. I still hear the voices of Don Garrett, Fred Hagen, Peter Appleby, Bill Whisner, Mendel Cohen, John Francis, etc., etc. first heard in the classrooms, hallways, and offices of the OSH. It was the perfect temple, both sacred and democratic.

Rex Pond BS’84 MS’93
Salt Lake City

Like Father, Like Daughter

(article) Well done, Bev! The campaign trail is difficult and demanding, but you have persevered and won! Thanks, Melinda, for sharing Bev’s story. It is women like you that continue to pave the way for women.

Phyllis Cassatt
Clackamas, Ore.


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