Feedback Readers chime in to discuss articles from past issues.

Quite a Journey

Loved the photo essay [“Dinosaur Caravan,” Fall 2013]. Had no idea that a highway was not in place in the 1920s and that a ferry and dirt roads were the mode of travel.

What a historical journey to Salt Lake City. I still own the house that my mother was raised in on Park Street. I was raised there also. This journey took place only 10 years later than our home was built in 1914. My mother was a young teenager. I am really surprised that horse and wagon transportation was still so prominent in those days.

Kent Rich HBA’66 MSW’68
Salt Lake City, Utah

The caravan of dinosaurs must have been quite a sight, better than the arrival of a circus in town!

Akhlesh Lakhtakia MS’81 PhD’83
State College, Pennsylvania

Praise for a Leader

What an amazing woman [“Of Multitasking and Medicine,” Fall 2013]! So many achievements, yet [U health care chief Vivian S. Lee] is so humble and down to earth. She truly is an inspiration.

Susan Bird
Salt Lake City, Utah

Filling the Stands

The University of Utah women’s basketball program currently does not seem to do much recruiting of local female basketball players [“Building a Team,” Fall 2013]. In my opinion, having more local athletes involved would increase interest in the program and attendance at games.

David Taylor BS’91 DPT’09
Salt Lake City, Utah

Lingering Questions

This is a subject that has long plagued my heart of hearts with a heavy sadness. Like our brother Mr. [A.J.] Kanip noted in this article [“The Heartbeat of the People,” Fall 2012], the drum and feather hold profound spiritual significance to the Native people.

Demeaning the people so blatantly creates an unwelcome place. Replace the drum and feather with LDS temple robes and aprons and see what happens. Can you picture turning any religious regalia into costumes for all to wear during recreation and public display rather than respected privately in a sacred manner? Is this really the message the U wants sent out to the world?

Again, this brings much heaviness and sadness to my heart that the people continue to be treated as less than human.

Deb Williams
Salt Lake City, Utah

Maybe a Ute drum group or performer(s) could be invited to play before home Ute games, along with an explanation of what the drum and feather mean to the tribe. I’ve seen this done at other sporting events.

Christine Cape