Feedback Readers chime in to discuss articles from past issues.

Alternatives to Animal Research?

I’m amazed at the number of construction projects now going on at the U [“Construction Update,” Spring 2013]. As a donor, I’m glad others are contributing to the U’s development. My one concern is the animal labs attached to the Skaggs Pharmacy Building. I hope the U explores alternatives to animal research. There have been many humane alternatives developed and the tradition of humaneness extended.

Clarence Widerburg BA’75 MSW’75
Portland, Oregon

A Window on Veterans

Thank you for shining a light on veterans who seek to continue their education at the University of Utah [“Armed With Knowledge,” Summer 2013]. Discourse with our service members and civilians serves to [help us] gain insight on the true nature of military service. I wish that a campus center had been available after my enlistment concluded in 1975. Bravo to all involved in aiding their transition from the military to civilian student life.

Jack Homen ADRAN, U.S. Navy, 1972-75
Associate Instructor
U Center for Emergency Programs

I was happy to read about the opportunities and resources available to our veterans. It is sad that this wasn’t done after the Vietnam War!

Donald Orlando BA’67
Spokane, Washington

Thanks for the great article. I think it fairly summarizes the situation that vets face. While not all vets have been in combat, most have significant life experiences that shape the way they think, treat others, and approach problems. I went to nine-week basic training at age 30, and it affected me profoundly. The University is a better place for what all these vets bring to the institution.

Rich Stowell
Graduate Teaching Assistant
U Department of Communication

I’m really proud to serve in the military during peace time. I think that all vets should be thanked for all they have done for their country, here at the University of Utah, past and present.

Albert Ortega
Salt Lake City, Utah

A River Runner’s Legacy

I really enjoyed the article and readings of Ken [Sleight]’s efforts in the early days [“Fighting for the Wild,” Summer 2013]. I was a river guide for the U outdoor program in ’95-’97 and can’t imagine what we would have lost if not for these early activists.

Dave Hagen BA’97
Monrovia, California

Gratitude for a Professor

My first class at the University was David [Kranes]’s examination of the poetics of space [“Games of Chance,” Summer 2013]. It marked me… He taught me a lot about literature and theory and structure and drama. He carefully imprinted for me how language works. He inspired me to read beyond without ever demanding it of me. But what I value most was the personal David he offered his students. He is a brave man capable of putting his most vulnerable self out for examination by the daftest of us students. I know that quality will get him through his cancer.

Molly Fowler BUS’79
New York, New York

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