One More: Puppy Love Dogs can be a student's best friend, too—especially during finals week...

3 thoughts on “One More: Puppy Love

  • REALLY ! First you have the cry closets with fuzzy animals for the snow flakes having a tough time during finals. Now you have therapy dogs for them too. Whats next claims of PTSD? I hope you have some sensible students that can become captains of industry because your not getting it with this group of children. The U has become an embarrassment. I may have to rethink my annual giving to the U.

  • YOUR comment>> WHOA! not sure where to even begin..but just one comment..
    Pet therapy dogs are in NO way associated with the University students being children..
    there are COUNTLESS Pet therapy dogs that go to hospitals on campus and the ‘adults’
    ENJOY and cherish the pet therapy dogs…without question..both staff and patients benefit
    from seeing the Pet therapy dogs…..”because your not getting it with this group of children”
    that is DEFINITELY an embarrassing comment!….Not true at all…don’t hesitate to take your
    ‘contribution’ elsewhere…

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