

The Summer ’09 issue is very good and gets an “A” for serious, thoughtful, and well-written articles. “The Research University: Dimming the Lights” is especially useful in explaining the important issues affecting the U.

Ryan Dudley BS’62
Alexandria, Va.


I have just finished reading the Fall ’09 Continuum, and the photo on page 56 [“And Finally”] was most enlightening, as I recognized most everyone in the picture but don’t remember the names, with the exception of Sue Hancock sitting on the car. I would appreciate your publishing the names in the next edition of the magazine if at all possible.

Anne Huish Stewart BS’59
Lynden, Wash.

Editor’s note: We make every effort to publish the names of individuals appearing in photos, but unfortunately, many historical photos found in the U of U archives fail to note them, as was the case here.


This is about a very trivial matter, but on page 56 of the [Fall ’09] Continuum, there is a note by Roy Webb on the history of the beanie at the University of Utah, suggesting that the requirement that freshmen wear one only died out in the Sixties and that that requirement was “strictly enforced” during the Fifties. I think that Mr. Webb is probably wrong. Restrictions of that kind on freshmen died a complete death in the fall of 1946 when the returning veterans entered the University, most, like me, as freshmen. As many of them had just spent years wearing something heavier than a beanie on their heads, they would have laughed those heads off (no bad puns intended) if an upperclassman had demanded they put on a little green head covering. Perhaps most of us were at least 22 years of age and not too receptive to taking orders from civilians. I think I remember seeing one person in the fall of 1946 with a beanie. And, for most of the Fifties, when, as a graduate student, I was teaching English composition to new freshmen, I never saw a student wearing a beanie. The Sixties were no doubt a time of change, but I don’t think they killed the beanie.

Lawrence L. Lee BA’50 MA’52 PhD’59
Carmichael, Calif.

We’re eager to hear from you!
Please send letters to editor Jason Matthew Smith,, or to 201 Presidents Circle, Room 308, Salt Lake City, UT 84112.

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