
Flood of Memories

What a surprise it was to receive the Fall 2010 Continuum… particularly with the articles about registration day and about the dinosaurs. Both brought back happy memories.

First, I am registrar E.J. Norton’s youngest son, and I attended the Wm. M. Stewart training school, so much of my life was spent on the University of Utah campus.

I don’t remember what year it was, but I remember standing on the steps of the John R. Park building when the horse-drawn caravan of wagons brought the first dinosaurs to the U from the Vernal area. I remember how excited Professor [Frederick] Pack [former head of the Geology Department] was at that momentous occasion.

Registration day was something else. Students filled out individual class cards for each class on their programs. The cards had then to be alphabetized so that class lists could be typed from them, ready for the first day of classes. My father conscripted us as soon as we were competent, to spend registration day afternoon after school alphabetizing class cards… then finally assembling them for typing. It was a fun privilege.

I entered the U in 1932 (when registration was $100 a year), eventually graduating and going on to a graduate degree from Stanford, which brings up another problem: With the Utes in the Pac-12, for which team do I root when the Utes and the Cardinal play?

Donald B. Norton BA’40
Vancouver, Wash.

Winter Issue a Winner

Thank you for a rich and stimulating issue [Winter 2010-11]. I devoured several articles—something I haven’t done with an unsolicited magazine in years what with the competition in the mailbox/inbox. You grabbed me!

Yes, you awakened a memory of the U: The basic one of being a student, passionate and curious. I needed that!

Dan Christensen MArch’90
Salt Lake City

We’re eager to hear from you!
Please send letters to editor Jason Matthew Smith,, or to 201 Presidents Circle, Room 308, Salt Lake City, UT 84112.

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