Feedback Readers chime in to discuss articles from past issues.

Utah Naloxone

(“Siblings Unite to Confront the Overdose Epidemic,” Spring 2016) What an amazing family and what an amazing way to turn tragedy into a positive and effective force for good in this world. I can’t believe this rescue kit program isn’t making national headlines. A drug that can instantaneously save lives, that ANYONE can administer, and that is completely safe and has NO side effects. With the heroin epidemic growing exponentially by the minute, why isn’t Congress making this rescue kit an EMERGENCY PRIORITY, and putting this rescue kit into every home and office in the country?…


Teaching in Utah

(“Facing the Teacher Shortage,” Winter 2016-17) I taught science for five years and had to quit because I couldn’t afford to be a teacher anymore. I loved teaching science, developing the curriculum, challenging my students with more and more STEM projects, and really teaching them how to think like scientists. Teaching in Utah has become a volunteer job for people who can afford to spend their day serving their community….

Sarah C. Hansen*
Bountiful, Utah

Thoughts on a New U President

(“What Do We Want in a U president?” Fall 2017) I think it’s about time that the university had a woman president. And not just an interim president either. The concerns of 50 percent of the population need to be addressed, by someone who has experienced them.

Laurel Wright BA’12
Salt Lake City

I agree that it is time the U had a female president. Maybe even a minority female president. Half the student body is female, and a good amount of students come from minority communities. How about hiring someone who looks like us?

Laura M. Gray BA’85 JD’91
Salt Lake City

I’d like a president who would be willing to go without his/her own parking spot until the parking problem has been fixed for everyone else.

Kimball Whitaker BS’93
Taylorsville, Utah

Volleyball at the U

(“Digging It,” Fall 2017) I saw the article on Jake Gibb playing volleyball and fondly recalled building the outdoor volleyball court at the dorm area between Van Cott Hall and Austin Hall in 1972. We held a marathon volleyball game to raise money for the artificial kidney machine at the Med Center. Fun times!

Laurel Oden Howat BA’74
Long Beach, Calif.


*Excerpted from longer comments made in response to articles online at Visit linked articles to read more.

One thought on “Feedback

  • I just read the article why Humanities matter. I studied Metallurgical Engineering and a class in humanities was required. I thought it was a waste of time and not relevant. However, the U printed 2” thick book of required reading was interesting. I did read it all. Over the years I have many times recalled something from the material and I must agree that the class influenced my thinking in a positive way. During one of my many moves, I tossed that text and today, I would like to be able to re-read some of that material. The way our society today is increasingly divided I think the premise of knowing the past does influence how we behave today. So from an old grad, I highly recommend the topic be included in the required classes. BS 68

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