Moving Day August 2010

My family got rolling the Monday before classes started. We made our way through Denver and on to Salt Lake City, facing thunderstorms and witnessing soaring rainbows—higher than we had ever seen before. It seems my college experience started off with an adventure in and of itself. The following Thursday I was able to move in to my dorm room and put away all the stuff that I had brought with me. I was able to meet my suite-mate, Kayla, who made our bathroom top-of-the-line with her accessories. It was great starting out right away to have a friend and to have the opportunity to meet so many new people at the many opening events held in the area. However, I did not spend as much time with my peers as much as I spent with my family, including my parents, twin sister, and another older sister. For a long time we had planned on going camping when we arrived in Utah, and so decided to spend Friday night camping in the Wasatch mountains near the Colorado River. We ate a delicious meal and were able to spend time with each other in these last few days before school began. If you have never played Apples to Apples, I recommend it. It is a very simple game that will keep you laughing like it did for us that night. The next morning we headed up the road to a trail that led to a waterfall that had eroded the rock to look like a donut-hole. If I have it right, it is actually called the donut-hole waterfall—imagine that. It was exciting to climb that steep terrain and make it as far as we could before we had to go do other things. That included cleaning my older sister’s apartment and then eating dinner with relatives who live in the foothills. Sunday I was able to go to church and meet a lot more people yet, and then I spent more time with family. Eventually I retired to my dorm in order to make it to a floor meeting that was to be held that evening, and finally went to bed to prepare for my first day of college. How exciting!


See the related article “The Time of Their Lives.”

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