Celebrating President Watkins
Doctoral candidate Rob Kent de Grey MS’14 took the opportunity at a recent student social to have President Ruth Watkins sign his copy of the Summer 2018 Continuum. “She has the most important quality a leader can possess: a real commitment to doing as much as she can to improve conditions for as many people as possible,” Grey says. “I wanted her autograph so I could be reminded of her commitment to individuals, not just to institutions.”
Inclusion & Diversity
I really enjoyed the Fall 2018 issue. I’m so proud to be an alum!... One reason I loved this issue is because of the stories about diversity and inclusiveness—”The Cry Closet,” “Finding Refuge in Education,” and “A Harmonic Progression.” I was thrilled to see how the U is a leader in bringing these important qualities to Salt Lake City specifically but also the state. I’m also excited to see that the university has a woman president—another great example of diversity. Keep up the great work!
Lynda Roberts, BFA’98 MPA’05 | Sausalito, California
Working Hard, Giving Back
What a great example of making the most of opportunities, working hard, excelling, and then going back to his roots to help others to achieve. [“e-Commerce Mogul in Tanzania,” Summer 2018]…. If more people did this, think of what a wonderful world it would be!
Janet Gillette BA’69 | Salt Lake City
Library Memories
[“What Have We Here?” Fall 2018] I was a sophomore when the Marriott Library opened…. How thrilled we were to have such a modern and beautiful building to study in…. At about the same time, the U built the Special Events Center later named the Huntsman Center. The campus felt like we were moving from the old and outdated to new and modern.
Scott Tennis BS’71 MEd’79 | Layton, Utah
I remember many long nights in the old library on the circle and the new Marriott Library. I also have fond memories of the old lower campus library and the new (now old) remodeled Marriott.… I’m the first in my extended family to receive a college degree. Now, all my family that are old enough are graduates and fans and loyal Utes.
Gary L. Webster BA’65 MSW’67 | Salt Lake City
Coach’s Picks
Dear Coach Whittingham: Thanks for some very interesting selections. [“Books that Score Points with a Coach,” Fall 2018] I am struck by the diversity and the vibrant messages you drew from each of these books….
Stephan Stringham BS’83 | Oldsmar, Florida