does it all mean? A brief glossary of terms
aid: Resources that help students meet cost-of-attendance
obligations. Financial aid usually comes from a variety of sources—state,
federal, departmental, and institutional—and consists of scholarships,
grants, loans, and federal workstudy. Most colleges and universities
offer a combination to supplement the student’s personal college
savings. Colleges and universities use a federal formula to determine
unmet student financial needs, which then determines the amount
a student is awarded. To be eligible to receive federal aid at any
American college or university, students must complete the Free
Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA, form, which is available
online at www.fafsa.ed.gov.
(Adult assistance is usually needed, as the form requires parents’
tax information to determine the Expected Family Contribution—
or EFC—index number.) Information on loans, funding formulas,
payback timetables, and a “Student Guide” can be found
there as well.
money or in-kind awards (such as housing in a specific dorm), given
through private, government, institutional, or departmental resources.
Usually merit- or need-based, but also can be awarded to recipients
who meet specific eligibility requirements. Scholarships range from
the prestigious National Merit Scholarships, based on test scores,
to the more offbeat, such as the David Letterman Scholarship at
Ball State University, an annual gift to a telecommunications major
based solely on creativity, not grades.
Mostly governmental financial aid that doesn’t have to be
repaid, generally for undergraduate students. Based on need, enrollment
status, the cost of attendance, and funding formulas used by colleges
and universities. The basic grant for undergraduates is the federal
Pell Grant, which ranged from $400 to $4,000 for the 2002- 03 academic
Federal work-study:
Part-time work provided on campus to students in exchange for a
paycheck. Eligibility based on financial need.
Tuition waiver:
For the most part, tuition waivers, such as the U’s
Presidential and Honors-at- Entrance waivers, are meritbased and
offered to high school seniors who have the highest index numbers.
To keep them, students must maintain a 3.7 grade point average (GPA).
For more information, go to www.sa.utah.edu/finance/ scholarships/index.htm.
borrowed from the government, college or university, or private
financial institution that must be paid back, often at a low rate
of interest. Students and parents who demonstrate financial need
are better off applying for loans through colleges or universities,
which already have agreements with banks and other financial institutions.
Various eligibility requirements apply. Fellowship: Money awarded
to students who show academic excellence, which allows them to research
or study full-time. Typically awarded to graduate students.
Work in exchange for tuition reimbursement and money. Typically
awarded to graduate students.
Today’s parents and students are keenly aware of the much-researched
connection between a college degree and workplace earning power.
But the rising cost of tuition is also on the collective mind of America’s
students and their parents, who wonder how they will afford tuition, fees,
books, meals, housing, parking, and transportation, not to mention any
“extras” like laptop computers, cell phones, and activity
According to the College Board’s most recent annual survey, the
nation’s public universities raised tuition by 14 percent in 2003,
the greatest increase in more than 25 years. Tuition at American community
colleges also rose 14 percent, while tuition at private universities rose
six percent. The increases, the College Board noted, were largely due
to cuts in state education budgets. After factoring in the increases,
tuitions reached an average of $4,694 at public universities, $1,905 at
community colleges, and $19,710 at private colleges. Adjusting for inflation,
these amounts are more than double the cost of an education at these institutions
20 years ago.
tuition concerns are intensified by what Suzanne Espinoza, University
of Utah director of student recruitment, calls the “emotional complexities”
of sending a child off to college. Has she chosen the right campus? Will
she fit in and find friends? Will the curriculum be too difficult? Will
we still be involved in her life? “And, of course, they worry about
the money,” says Espinoza.
According to the Annual Survey of Colleges of the College Board, 2003-2004,
the U came in 83rd of 96 four-year, public research extensive (formerly
called “research 1”) universities listed by tuition cost.
Combined tuition and fees for fall and spring semesters for a lower-division,
resident, first-year student taking 12 credit hours at the U totals around
$3,072. (In contrast, the three most expensive schools in that category
are the New Jersey Institute of Technology [N.J.], $8,500; Rutgers [N.J.],
$7,592; and Bowling Green [Ohio], $7,408.)
With the recent economic downturn, affording tuition seems to be increasingly
difficult, even for families who have planned ahead. According to estimates
from the 1999–2000 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study, by
the time they graduate from four-year public institutions, American undergraduate
students will have an average of $15,375 in debt. Those who earn undergraduate
degrees from four-year private institutions will have an average of $17,250
in debt. At the U, the average cumulative debt of an undergraduate student
borrower in the class of 2003 was $12,400.
Kent Larson, director of financial aid and scholarships at the University,
explains that as college enrollment and tuition have increased nationwide,
so has the amount of financial aid awarded. But the availability of grants
and scholarships—or “free” money—has not kept
pace with the price of attending college. As a result, Larson notes, students
and their families are turning to loans to finance post-secondary education.
Over the past decade, disbursements of loan money at the U increased
106 percent. Ten years ago, for the 1992-1993 academic year, the U certified
loans for its students in the amount of $30,793,284. Of the $104,130,467
disbursed during last year, $63,516,899 was loan money. The balance of
financial aid was granted in the form of scholarships, grants, and federal
work-study. According to Larson, nearly half of all U students receive
some form of financial aid.
Before students borrow money, Espinoza suggests they keep several issues
in mind. Schools often lure freshmen with generous financial aid packages,
but then offer less “free” funding and more loan money to
the same students as sophomores and juniors.
tell themselves that they may be able to make the $40,000 educational
debt payment,” Espinoza notes. “But what are the implications?
What kind of job will they have to get? How will the debt affect their
other life decisions—like whether or how soon they can go to graduate
school, buy a home, or start a family? Students should focus on getting
the best education they can without mortgaging their future. There are
many wonderful state-supported schools with reasonable tuition. Students
need to compare the implications of coming out of undergraduate school
with $40,000 worth of debt, and getting a world-class education without
owing anyone a dime.”
College financial aid officers nationwide all repeat the same mantra:
It’s never too early to begin planning for a college education.
Jenny Haug, an 18-year-old University student who received three scholarships
to attend the U, agrees, and recommends that high school students consult
their school scholarship offices early. “The advisors and counselors
there know so much more about the opportunities because they have gone
over and over them,” she says.
Larson gives pre-college students this advice: “Do well in school,
work hard, search out what scholarships are available, file a FAFSA [Free
Application for Federal Student Aid] form, and contact financial aid offices.
Become gainfully employed and build savings,” he says. “The
more money students can come up with on their own, the better off they
will be.”
For more information on the many scholarships that are offered at the
University of Utah, go to www.sa.utah.edu/ finance/scholarships/index.htm.
To speak to a financial aid representative at the University, call (801)
—Ann Jardine Bardsley BA’84 is a writer in the U’s
public relations office and the parent of a high school senior.
Finding a
Not a valedictorian or MVP? There are plenty of other scholarships
available besides those awarded for academic and athletic prowess,
according to Peter Kraus, a librarian at the U’s Marriott
Library who teaches a short course on scholarship resources. He
recommends the following online resources for finding general scholarship
and financial aid information that is timely and accurate: www.ed.gov/finaid,
the U.S. Department of Education’s Web site for information
on student aid, and www.collegeboard.com, a site maintained by the
same company that administers all of the standardized testing for
universities. “It is a great resource for finding scholarships
on the local, regional, and national level and provides an overview
of college costs, scholarships, financial aid, the loan process,
eligibility, and avoiding scholarship scams,” Kraus says.
Kent Larson, director of financial aid and scholarships at the
U, recommends www.fastweb.com
and www.findaid.org, both popular
sites for students. Kraus and Larson emphasize that all information
on college financial aid should be free. They warn students to be
on the alert for scholarship scams. (More information on this is
available at www.finaid.org/scholarships/scams.phtml.)
Many publications and catalogues are available at the Marriott
Library. Kraus likes The College Board Scholarship Handbook
since it is updated annually. For nontraditional students, he likes
Financing Your College Degree: A Guide for Adult Students
by David Finney, and College Costs & Financial Aid Handbook,
both published by the College Board. He also recommends the following
specialty guides: Financial Aid for Research and Creative Activities
Abroad, the Directory of Financial Aid for Women,
and the Directory of Financial Aid for Minorities, all
by Gail A. Schlachter and published by Reference Service Press.
A listing of foundations for programs that serve girls and women
can be found at www.fundsnetservices.com/women.htm.