Robbi Dewey Comes Home
Combine talent, energy, and a gift for organization and
you have the newest member of the Alumni Association staff, Robbi
R. Dewey BS’95. She is a director of alumni relations
and the alumni chapter coordinator, responsible for U of U alumni
chapters throughout the country. Chapter leaders, take note: Dewey
is here to help you unite your local U of U alums through an active,
fun, and purposeful chapter. She plans to encourage each chapter
to hold at least two social events each year, have an ongoing student
recruiting and mentoring relationship with the local high schools,
and perform at least one community service project a year. She will
work to resuscitate inactive chapters and help to create new chapters,
as well.
“It’s great to be back at the U,” says Dewey.
“Since I got my degree here,” she says, pointing to
the framed document hanging on her office wall, “it’s
like I’ve come full circle. As an alumna and staff member,
now I can give back to the University.” She hopes to instill
that sense of connectedness in other alumni as well.
Previously, Dewey worked as alumni program coordinator for Westminster
College in Salt Lake City, has been an organizational fundraiser,
was on the staff at KUEDChannel 7, and has worked for nonprofit
organizations for the past 14 years. She currently is on the development
committee for St. John the Baptist School at the Skaggs Catholic
Center. She and her husband, Steve, have a daughter, Angela, 12,
whom they call “Taz”—for Tasmanian devil, “because
she’s always on the go,” says Dewey, especially on the
soccer field. The Deweys harbor a small menagerie of animals, including
two golden retrievers, an aquarium full of fish, and a pet rat named
(what else?) Mickey. Oh, and Dewey is a huge sports fan, wild about
the Utes. You can find her at various athletic events throughout
the year, sporting red and cheering on the home team. She is equally
enthusiastic about urging on the alumni chapters, and welcomes contact
with alumni who want to get involved in Association and chapter
activities. She can be contacted at (801) 581-3857 or
School Bell Chimes On
Following last year’s success, the Association pitched
in once again to help the Assistance League of Salt Lake with Operation
School Bell (see Continuum,
Spring 2002). In 2002 the Assistance League provided winter
clothing to over 4,500 needy children at 140 schools throughout
the Salt Lake Valley. Volunteers put in over 750 hours helping fit
clothes on kids. This year, along with the Community Service Committee,
headed by Manny Martinez ex’69, Emeritus
Alumni Association board members pitched in to offer their experience
in child handling and clothes fitting. Committee members Andrea
Ence, Natalie Harris, Raymond Uno BS’55 JD’58
MSW’68, and Rick Webster BS’80 MS’83
were joined by Emeritus volunteers Reuel BS’54 (and
Dorothy BA’65) Ware,
Dick BS’50 (and Jean ex’53) Raybould,
Lennox Larson BS’47, Frances Monson
ex’56, Jeanne Wright BS’55,
Elaine BS’56 (and Bill BS’57) Burrows,
Regnal Garff BA’49 JD’55 MSW’56,
Rhees BS’50 (and Shirley BS’50) Ririe,
Jack BS’59 MSW’65 (and Patsy) McNamara,
Flora Weggeland BS’52 PhD’75, and DeLyle
BS’60 (and Judy BS’60) Condie.
Members of the Student Alumni Association also pitched in to help
sort clothing and bundle it into bags. “It was just like a
party,” says Dorothy Ware. “The camaraderie among all
the alumni volunteers was wonderful.”
It was through the Wares, who volunteer at the Assistance League,
that the Emeritus members got involved with Operation School Bell.
Comments Reuel, “The kids are so appreciative. One boy liked
his new Levis so much that he didn’t want to let go of them
while I found a pair that would fit him better. Another boy told
me that his family didn’t have clothes like these at home.
I later found out that he lived in a homeless shelter. It is hard
to describe the pleasure of performing a task that is so appreciated
by the recipients. I think we all benefited as much as the kids.”
Connie Knowles, who heads Operation School Bell for the Assistance
League, acknowledges that the demand for clothing has been greater
this year than last—no doubt in response to the current economic
slowdown. “The Assistance League has had to work harder to
stretch its resources,” says Knowles, noting that funds are
raised through donations and sales of used clothing at its thrift
shop (located at 2060 East 3300 South in Salt Lake City). For further
information about Operation School Bell, contact Knowles at 801-467-6353.
New Career Program Up and Running!
As noted in the Summer
2002 Continuum, the Alumni Association has teamed with Career
Services to create a program focusing on career development, career
exploration, and the job search. Workshops, a Web site specifically
designed for the program, and a dedicated alumni career counselor
are part of the package. Career specialist Julie Swaner
BA’69 has taken over as head of the program, which
includes one-on-one counseling, career position postings, networking
prospects, development workshops, and a library, among other career
resources. An orientation workshop is held each week to familiarize
participants with the services and to introduce them to the unique
array of job-search tools available.
The employer-based portion of the program was introduced at an
Association sponsored lunch on Nov. 9, 2002. It is designed to forge
new partnerships and develop greater awareness among local employers
about the ready pool of candidates who are U of U grads. The event
also resulted in a number of job openings, which have been posted
on the Web site—accessible to those who sign up for the program.
Employer/alumni networking nights are a new feature. Additional
information, including online registration, can be found here,
or contact Julie Swaner at 801-585-5036 or
Food Drive 2002
good news is that the Utes beat the Cougars 13-6 at the annual pigskin
skirmish on Nov. 23. The great news is that Utah also bettered BYU
in the 10th annual food drive, collecting truckloads of food items
and $7,620 in cash for the Utah Food Bank.
The bulk of the monetary contributions came from fans entering
Rice-Eccles stadium to see the game, but donations were also collected
at various sites around campus and at Smith’s stores.
“Even though the Utes and Cougars are bitter rivals on the
field,” says John Fackler BS’89 BS’94
MPrA’95, director of business relations at the Alumni
Association, “we have had this collaborative competition going
for the past nine years, and it’s worked exceedingly well,
to the benefit of those in need.”
The Utah Food Bank is a nonprofit agency that distributes goods
to all 70 Utah food pantries. In turn, the pantries service 212
charitable agencies throughout the state. Agencies served by the
pantries respond to more than 73,000 Utahns who request emergency
service monthly. One-third of those needing help are children. For
more information on how to volunteer at the agency or where to send
contributions, contact the Utah Food Bank at 801-908-8660.
New Board Members—
Student Alumni Association (SAA)
A new group of officers and board members is guiding the
Student Alumni Association in 2002-03, including: President: James
Thorup; internal vice president: Beth Brown;
external vice president: Andrea Winger; new board
members: Jason Barlow, Chad Dilley,
Kelly Edmonson, Andrea Ence, Natalie
Harris, Emily Jardine, Jessica
Judkins, Ryan Lavigne, Jessica
Morrow, Dan Olson, Jacob Olson,
Ryan Plewe, Rico Snow, James
Sorenson, and Tamara Thomas.
Some of the 2002-03 Student Alumni
Association board members pose with the new SAA president, James
Thorup (back row, center): (L-R, front row) Jason Barlow, Ryan Plewe,
Scott Hammer, Dan Olson, James Sorenson, Rico Snow; (L-R, back row)
Natalie Harris, Jacob Olson, Beth Brown, Thorup, Camille Parker,
and Dan Richards.
Football Flashback Follow up
first person to identify the man in the middle in the Football Flashback
photo (see Continuum, Winter 2002) was
Larry O. Bonner, who correctly noted the mystery
man as Joseph H. Maddock, coach of the Ute football team from 1904
to 1909. Bonner and his wife, Rebecca Kunz Bonner BS’
01, who are already members of the Alumni Association,
will receive a year’s free membership, beginning in March,
In The University of Utah: A History of Its First Hundred Years—1850
to 1950, Ralph V. Chamberlin writes: “The coming of Joseph
H. Maddock to the University as Instructor in Physical Culture and
Athletic Director marked the beginning of a period not only of great
football and track teams but of a notable advance and strengthening
of athletics in general.” Maddock had been an All-American
tackle at the University of Michigan and brought with him a “personal
magnetism and contagious enthusiasm that inspired an unprecedented
loyalty and fighting spirit among the athletes, students, and alumni,”
writes Chamberlin. Maddock’s coaching, “noted for its
hurry up style,” resulted in huge victories during the 1904-05
athletics season. The Utah footballers took on a team of Fort Douglas
soldiers and beat them 107 to 5!
Perhaps the M on his sweater also stood for Marvel.
Beehive Honor Society
Wallace Boyack BA’66 MBA’66 is president
of the Beehive board. He holds J.D. and M.A. degrees from Georgetown
University, and is a partner in the law firm Boyack Ashton &
Jenkins. He is married to Gaylynne Boyack. Candace Anderson
Rideout BFA’65 is president-elect of the Beehive
board. She is a realty sales consultant in Salt Lake City and is
married to Stephen Rideout ex’68. Melyssa
Davidson BA’88 has taken leave from her law practice
(she earned her J.D. at the University of California-Hastings) to
stay at home with her two children. Her husband is Kraig
P. Moyes BA’91. David C. Gessel BS’83
is vice president of government relations and legal affairs with
the Utah Hospitals and Health Systems Association. He has a master’s
degree from Rutgers University and a J.D. from the University of
Virginia. He is married to Diana Allen Gessel BS’83.
The Beehive Honor Society, founded in 1913, represents students
who, as graduating seniors, are inducted into the oldest honor society
on campus. The society will celebrate its 90th anniversary in April
2003. New board members are: by John Fackler

This year the U of U Student Alumni Association (SAA) joined
forces with the athletics department to form the firstever
Utah Football Fan Club (UFFC). The club turned out to be the
bright spot in a somewhat disappointing football season. “We
didn’t know how many students would join,” says
Kim Raap, assistant marketing director of athletics. “We
hoped for maybe 300 students and were almost overwhelmed when
more than 800 signed up.” UFFC members not only got
to sit in the best student seats and wear special UFFC T-shirts,
but they also enjoyed pre-game barbecues, entertainment, and
prize giveaways—all for only $20.
Scott Hammer, president of UFFC, explains, “We focused
on getting groups such as ROTC, LEAP, LDSSA,
and the Greek houses to sign up and sit as groups. We went
to freshman orientation and told students that this was what
they were supposed to do.” The strategy worked. As the
deadline to join approached, the Alumni House was besieged
with applications. The UFFC board, made up of U students,
spent long hours making sure that seating requests were filled.
Many Ute fans and even coaches were surprised to see the increased
student support. Red T-shirts and a sign denoting the UFFC
area as “The Muss” reserved the section. “The
football fan club had a great start this year,” says
Raap. “Hopefully we’ll be overwhelmed again next
And, of course, as football ends, basketball begins. For over
a decade, the SAA has sponsored the Ute Fan
Club for basketball. Each season more than 200 students sign
up. Basketball fan club members are required to attend at
least 90 percent of home games in order to keep their reserved
seats near the court. “We want to have an impact on
the game,” says fan club member James Thorup, president
of SAA. “If the students get loud, the rest of the crowd
follows.” In fact, Thorup and many other students have
established a tradition of standing up during the entire game.
Fan Club members serve two purposes: while cheering on the
Utes, they (for better or worse, depending on your point of
view) distract the opposition by making a ruckus. One zealous
Fan Club member once showed up wearing a Barney the Purple
Dinosaur outfit to taunt the other team. “We used to
drive [New Mexico basketball player] Kenny Thomas nuts,”
Thorup claims. “We even got him to laugh a couple of
times.” But the most spirited antics of the Ute Fan
Club are reserved for the BYU game. “The rivalry brings
out the best in us,” comments Thorup.
—John Fackler BS’89 BS’94 MPrA’95
is director of business relations at the Alumni Association.
Each year, the founding of the University in
1850 is commemorated by honoring four alumni and one non-alumnus/a
for their outstanding professional and personal accomplishments,
their support of the University and its mission, and their service
to the community. The 2003 honorees are:
- For 31 years, H. Kent Bowen BS’67 has
been a teacher, researcher, and administrator at both the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology (MIT) and at Harvard University. At MIT
he was a faculty member in both the Dept. of Materials Science
and Engineering and the Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer
Science, where he held the Ford Professorship. In 1986, Bowen
was inducted into the National Academy of Engineering and named
Scientist of the Year by R & D (Research and Development)
Magazine. In 1992, he joined the Harvard University Graduate School
of Business where he received the Bruce V. Rauner Professorship.
Bowen and his wife, Kathleen, have five children.
- Larry EchoHawk JD’73, a member of the
Pawnee Indian Tribe, is presently on the faculty of the J. Reuben
Clark Law School at Brigham Young University. EchoHawk was tribal
attorney for the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes at the Fort Hall Indian
Reservation in Idaho and served two terms in the Idaho House of
Representatives. He became the first Native American in U.S. history
to be elected as a state (Idaho) attorney general and to lead
a state delegation to the Democratic National Convention. A former
football player, EchoHawk became the first BYU graduate ever to
receive the NCAA’s Silver Anniversary Award. EchoHawk and
his wife, Terry, have six children.
- Robert H. Garff BS’66 MBA’67 is
owner, CEO, and former general manager of Salt Lake-based Garff
Enterprises Inc., an automobile franchise and property-holding
company with real estate in Utah, Idaho, and Hawaii. Garff served
in the Utah State House of Representatives for 10 years. He has
been a member of the board of directors of Intermountain Health
Care, the Salt Lake Chamber of Commerce, and the Utah Symphony.
He was also chair of the Salt Lake Organizing Committee Board
of Trustees for the 2002 Olympic Winter Games. Garff and his wife,
Katharine Bagley Garff BS’64, have five
- Peggy Bennion Papp BFA’50 is a senior
supervising faculty member at the Ackerman Institute for the Family,
and founder and director of Ackerman’s Depression and Gender
Project in New York City. Papp is among the top three therapists
in the world in her field. She is founder of the women’s
Project in Family Therapy and has received lifetime achievement
awards from the American Family Therapy Academy and the American
Association of Marriage and Family Therapy. She has maintained
a private practice for over 30 years. She met her late husband,
Joseph Papp, a Broadway producer when they worked together on
a play. Together they started the Public Theatre and New York
hakespearean Festival. Papp has two children, whom she calls her
“most prized successes.”
Honorary Alumnus
- Jack R. Wheatley, a retired contractor, is
managing general partner in WSJ Properties, a development company,
in Palo Alto, Calif. Wheatley has served as city council member
and as mayor of Palo Alto. He has been a leader of community organizations
such as the Stanford University Hospital and San Jose’s
Technological Museum. He received the Inspiration award from the
Technological Museum of San Jose and the Philanthropist of the
Year award from the city of San Jose. Wheatley has shown his regard
for the U by supporting the Utah Museum of Fine Arts, the Lowell
Bennion Service Center, the Department of Radiology, and the Utah
Pioneering Women in Medicine Endowed Chair. He and his wife, Mary
Lois Cannon Sharp BFA’48, have six children.