F E A T U R E S | ||||
DECEPTION 101 Cheating? Here? One student examines what the U is doing to spread the truth about academic dishonesty on campus. by Kathryn Austin, illustration by Randall Royter |
WHAT'S WRONG WITH VICTIMS' RIGHTS? A controversial professor of law wants to end the reign of Miranda v. Arizona, one of the Supreme Court's most famous rulings of the last half century. by Bob Donohoe, illustration by Randall Royter |
LOOKING FOR SOMETHING GREEN It's the hue of redemptive seasons, the figurative symbol of economic vitality, and a derogatory label for the environmentally friendly or the uninitiated. But to veteran broadcaster and former Vice President for University Relations Ted Capener BS'53, there's something priceless about the fresh perspective that comes from being green. by Anne Palmer Peterson, illustration by Randall Royter |
TRICKS OF THE TRADE Seriously hilarious lecturer-demonstrator " Ziggy" Peacock tinkers with toys to help students see the fun in physics. by Paula Huff, photos by Terry Newfarmer |
SIDELINES Cookin' with coach. by John Youngren |
D E P A R T M E N T S | ||||
UP FRONT What's in it for you? by Anne Palmer Peterson |
AND FINALLY . . . Over and Out. by Ted Capener |
T H E A S S O C I A T I O N | ||||
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FOR WHAT HE'S WIRTH Don't adjust your screen: this quirky perspective on TV is brought to you by Craig Wirth BS'74. by Kristine Deacon, photos by Terry Newfarmer |
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ON THE COVER Coach Ron McBride's special
blend. |
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