Don't throw out that piece of junk mail . . .

Yes, it may be the latest in a big pile of credit card solicitations, but this one is different. It's from the Alumni Association and it contains an offer that is both important to the Association and, to the Ute consumer, hard to refuse. Indeed, the MBNA Credit Card is essential to the Association as it provides revenue unmatched by that coming from other sources.

Today, the Alumni Association is required to develop additional revenue resources if it is to continue to fulfill its mission. Many individuals and groups receive financial support from the Alumni Association, including more than 50 scholarship recipients, 20 national alumni chapters, the Young, Student, and Emeritus Alumni Associations, and the Beehive Honor Society. The MBNA University Credit Card helps the Association to meet these demands and continue to provide the high-quality programs Utah alumni need and expect.

Just by filling out the application, an alumnus ensures that $4 goes to the Alumni Association from MBNA; each time an item is purchased with the card, the Association receives a small percentage of the sale. Keep the card, and the Association receives an additional $3 for each year it's active. More than 22,000 Utah alumni, students, and friends carry the MBNA University Credit Card.

The MBNA University Credit Card is not the only service the Alumni Association offers. From insignia watches to travel and insurance programs, the Association strives to serve its members and to remain primarily self-funded. For more information regarding any of the Alumni Association programs or services contact, Bill Coen at 801/581-3895.


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