
new president, vice president,
and nine new members
will bring versatility, energy,
and a wide variety of experience
to the Alumni Association
Board of Directors
in 2002-03.
Hilton BA'78, the new president of the board, is also a member of
the University Board of Trustees. He joined the alumni board in 2000 and
has served on various committees, including student recruiting (chair),
Continuum advisory, and alumni awards. He has also been a member of the
KUED and Pioneer Theatre Company campus committees. Hilton is partner/owner
of Integrated Marketing Group in Salt Lake City. He and his wife, Karen,
have two sons and a daughter.
T. Greenwood BS'66 JD'72, a board member since 2001, is the board's
new vice president. She served on the nominating committee and the campus
Martin Luther King Jr. Human Rights Celebration Committee. A presiding
judge of the Utah Court of Appeals since 1987, Greenwood was honored as
the Utah Woman Lawyer of the Year in 1993 and received a special service
award from the Utah State Bar in 1996. She and her husband, David A.
Greenwood BA'70, have two children.
Kevin Bischoff BS'76 is vice president of public and corporate affairs
for Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Utah, where he oversees the Caring Foundation
for Children and is chair of the national Regence BlueCross BlueShield Olympic
Advisory Committee. He and his wife, Jill, have one son. |
(Matty) Matheson Branch BA'70 JD'84 is an appellate court administrator
with management responsibilities over the Utah Supreme Court, Utah Court
of Appeals, and State Law Library. Branch is also a mentor for the "Bringing
Hope to Single Moms" Foundation. She and her husband, Alan (Skip)
Branch BA'68, have two children. |
G. Handy BA'75 MS'78 is owner and president of Stephen G. Handy Marketing
Communications in Layton, Utah. His business focuses on strategic public
relations, media relations, special events, and political and crises management.
Previously, he was director of marketing for the Deseret News.
He is married to Holly R. Bushnell and they have six children. |
W. Jones BS'93 is a representative in the Utah State Legislature and
a member of the National Women's Advisors to the United States Congress.
She and her husband, Dan Jones MS'61 PhD'68, own and operate a
public opinion and market research business, Dan Jones & Associates
Inc. They have seven children.
Mecham BS'82 is president of the Bonneville International Corporation-owned
Salt Lake City Broadcast Group (KSL radio and television). He spent nine
years as general sales manager and general manager at KSL-AM, and the last
two years as president of both radio and television. Mecham and his wife,
Janine, have three children. |
Fotheringham Peterson BS'64, an advocate for excellence in education
and a voluntary literacy teacher, served with the Salt Lake City School
District and the U to improve the education system. She and her husband,
Leon Peterson BS'64 MBA'67, are active Ute supporters. |
Thurman Ware BA'65, in real estate sales with the Ramsey Group, has
earned numerous awards in her profession. She is also involved with Travelers
Aid, the Arts Coalition, Junior League, and the Chamber of Commerce. She
and her husband, John Ware BS'66, have two children.
Waters BS'78 MBA'88 has had extensive experience in the fields of marketing,
public relations, and writing for several large firms. She is presently
director of client relations at Parsons Behle & Latimer. |
W. Whitney BA'74 is manager of corporate real estate for Wells Fargo
Bank in Utah and owner of a chain of retail stores featuring parent and
teacher aids, maps, globes, and books. He is also a member of Salt Lake
City's "Downtown Alliance." Whitney has three children. |
to Table of Contents. |